Donate to Students for Children:

Donate now and make a difference!

With your donation you support children in developing countries, such as Kenya, India and Honduras to attend school and receive better education. This acquired knowledge can be passed onto their community and eventually benefits several people. If you decide to become a donor, we will keep you posted about our projects and activities at all times. Because of our transparency policy you can always have a look at our finances, so you feel confident in how we invest your money.

We find it important that as much donations as possible are spent directly on our projects. Therefore, our overhead costs are fairly low, that is, between 90-95% of the donations are spent on our projects. The remaining donations are spent on necessities to make this possible, such as our website, rent of our office and ways to collect money.

Additionally, Students for Children is an ANBI foundation and transparency is beneficial for our foundation. Having been granted this status means that all our funds raised via donations and events are put toward the organization’s objectives.

What does an ANBI status mean for me as a donor?

A donation to Students for Children may be tax deductible in countries that grant tax concessions to foreign registered charities, as well as those based in the Netherlands. You can deduct the amount from your taxable income if it amounts to 1%-10% of the income. Do you want to donate annually, but less than 1% of your income? Then becoming a regular donor is attractive. If you support us for 5 consecutive years with a fixed amount and record this donation in a deed, you can ensure that the donation is fully deductible.

More information?

If you would like to know more about the conditions of the ANBI status, please refer to and

If you have difficulties with filling in one of the donation forms, you can always contact us by sending an email to We are very happy to help you with it!