Kayenje CU-PS


Kayenje CU Primary School is located in Butambala district in Central Uganda. The school has a population of 758 children (405 boys and 352 girls), all of whom were using one toilet, including teaching staff and workers. This greatly affected the learning abilities of the girl children, as they used share the only toilet facility with the boys and teachers. Due to the discomfort, lack of privacy and high risk of contracting infections, students especially the girls experienced negative psychological effects and in some cases, dropped out of school. The consequence of such actions is that these girls are then promptly married off by the poor parents in order to earn a living (capital gain).

The project was aimed at improving the hygiene and sanitation environment at school for the school community and strategically the girl children and to ensure good education for the children. Students for Children sponsored the construction of a girls’ latrine consisting of 6 vaults which cost a total of 3.516,7 euros.

Under the supervision of the school’s committee, all the necessary materials were procured and the construction took place from July to October 2020. After its completion, the girls were taught how to use and maintain the facility and proper hygiene practices like hand washing.


We sponsored the construction of girls’ latrines for the school.


The constructed latrine will be used by 352 girls out of 758 children.


We contributed 3.516,7 euros in total to the development of the latrines.


We worked directly with Kayenje Church of Uganda Primary School on this project.

This project is likely to have a positive impact on the girls’ self esteem, academic performance and retention in school. The school also expects a reduction in the contraction or incidences of water and hygiene related sicknesses in the school community as a result of the improved hygiene and sanitation as well as a decrease in absenteeism from school.

Girls will avoid smelling in class room, especially during menstrual period, even the toilet are not smelly like others and no houseflies

Student of Primary 6

The good toilet in place constructed will encourage the girls to attend classes daily as there is privacy unlike before where girls were scared of teachers and boys.

Student of Primary 7

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